Yes it has been a while since my last post. Nikki put up some pics of her and Annie and Sebastian, and well, you can see the influence a teen can have on two innocent Alot has been happening. First, Nikki celebrated her Sweet 16 birthday at the end of the summer and chose to celebrate by going to Great America with her friends. We helped her celebrate by hiring a limosine to drive the teens to and from the park in style.

Despite the weather being a bit rainy and dreary...they actually had a great time.

It amazes me that my sweet curly haired baby girl is now 16 yrs old and so close to getting her drivers license. Nikki is so talented with her writing and her acting. I am amazed at her talent and how humble she is about it. I love to watch her perform on stage and this November she will be the lead in the Fall play at her High School, so if you are in the "hood" come join us at the Theater! Happy Birthday Nicole, you make me proud. We love you so very much. Mom and Dad