So here in our neck of the woods, it is prom time and this year, I had not one, but two teenagers attending. A bit of a surprise, as Nikki is only a sophmore, but her very good friend Connor asked her to go with him and she said YES! Having to get 2 teens ready for prom would be difficult enough but add to that they were going to two different Proms. Ryan's girlfriend goes to the opposite H.S. in town so it was very hectic to say the least. But Nikki looked beautiful and Ryan was just so handsome...(O.K. I am biased but if a mom can't brag on her own kids who can?. I hope you enjoy the photos. Next up Nikki performs in her "One Acts" later this week and Ryan graduates the end of the month. Busy days ahead. How is it that I could have a son graduating high school?? The time has just gone by way to fast. Here they are.